It is often the Clinton’s who are accused of using "revisionist history" to look back on past events and portray them different than they actually happened. But it seems Obama has been stealing a page from their book.
In last night’s debate, Obama referred to his praise for Reagan in being that he (Reagan) was "a transformative figure because he was able to get Democrats to vote against their own economic interests to form a majority to push through their agenda."
What? How was it against the "economic interests" of Democrats to vote against double-digit interest rates and gas rationing and for tax cuts in 1980?
And it was again against their "economic interests" to vote against Walter Mondale’s vow to raise their taxes in 1984?
Wow. Either that is some revisionist history or a seriously distorted view of what is in the best interest of average citizens.
Who knows, maybe this is what Obama believes — that the best interest of people is to vote for higher taxes and more government regulations since we all know that government knows better how you should live your life and spend your money.
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