On March 13, 2013 Sen Thom Goolsby (R-New Hanover) filed legislation to restart the death penalty in NC and ensure justice will be served for more than 100 families whose loved ones were brutally taken from them.
One part of the legislation will repeal the Racial Justice Act, which many believe was a back-door tactic to get rid of the death penalty.
Who are the real victims of the Racial Justice Act? This is the first in a three part series on the Turner family whose son, Roy Turner Jr., was killed in the line of duty. In the first video Roy’s Parents talk about what happened the day they found out that their son was murdered.
I attended your briefing at CLC2013; well done! Which legislators are taking the lead on this issue?
Sen. Thom Goolsby has Filed SB 306 which would repeal the Racial Justice Act.
Good deal, thanks for the info; excellent work on this subject, I would never had known about it without your efforts (out of the country much of the last six years).