The first round of stimulus money for road construction is being divvied up and despite the promises of changes to the way DOT goes about its business. From the Charlotte Observer:
the N.C. Department of Transportation's Charlotte office will get $38.6
million. An Eastern N.C. office for Greenville and New Bern, by
contrast, will get $64 million.
Good to see nothing really has changed.
Oh and part of that money headed to the Eastern NC office, some of it is going to the Global TransPark to "improve access." Really? Access for who? The thousands of workers who don't work there despite the tens of millions of dollars poured down the drain?
All those non-workers in their invisible cars obviously need better roads to get to the big runway in the middle of a tobacco farm that promised thousands of jobs but never delivered. Yes, let's spend more money there.
Meanwhile, actual workers in the Triangle and Charlotte are sitting in traffic jams.
The current parkway does not go anywhere. So we need this road project so the parkway will not go anywhere…..but longer.
And we have many workers out there and they have been working for about 20 years bringing us success. Well, put another way, they have been successful holding onto a job.
We’re getting a $64 million dollar road and a $35 million dollar rail spur. And a new coffee machine.
Happy days are here again!
That I-26 upgrade in Asheville is going to be a disaster. Wait. It already is. There should’ve been money for that.