If you think school boards are becoming more active in advocating for social causes, you’re not alone.
A recent article in the Washington Post, acknowledged what many of us have long thought.
Thomas Ashbury, a professor at Northwest University in Washington states notes that the nation’s 250 largest school districts – mostly located in urban or suburban areas — are increasingly choosing to make declarations on social issues like immigration, race and diversity.
And of course, it wouldn’t be difficult to put the boards of Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and Wake County Public Schools into the same mix. These boards have taken socially active stands on such issues as transgender students, racial diversity and cultural proficiency.
Such developments represent a stark change from the past when most school boards were hesitant to weigh in on controversial issues simply because the board was supposed to represent a variety of viewpoints.
Why the change? Some say it’s a natural progression from an environment where education is increasingly viewed as social justice and schools are viewed as vehicles for social change.
These advocates are usually the same people who also tell you to keep politics out of education.
White Supremacist outrage delivered to you from segregationist Bob Luebke posited as ‘conservative.’ There is nothing conservative or Christian about Bob’s ideals.
Bob calls people demanding their inalienable Rights, ‘social activists.’
“Such developments represent a stark change from the past when most school boards were hesitant to weigh in on controversial issues simply because the board was supposed to represent a variety of viewpoints.”
Those were the good old days? Especially when white athletes did not have to compete…is that what NCCIvitas if getting at?