Editorialists at the News & Observer don’t like the recent Supreme Court decision. In response, they offer a dangerous nostrum and a dangerous idea in the course of three sentences:
"Communities that understand the damage from the court’s decision will turn to other measures to get the job done. Zoning can ensure a mix of moderate and upscale housing. School boards may be able to build new schools in areas that attract a good economic mix of families. What Americans must not do is let the ruling reverse the progress that this nation has made toward educational equity." (Emphasis mine.)
Zoning to ensure economic mixing? Can you say "social engineering"? Are we really prepared to design the makeup of entire urban centers for the sake of politically correct educational diversity that is, itself, grounded in racist premises?
Then they tout the virtues of ‘educational equity’ without reflection. Egalitarianism applied to schools has had the same effect on education as equality of station had on the economies of eastern bloc circa 1980. Putting "equality" before educational freedom and choice is not something a N.C. newspaper should be suggesting this close to Independence Day. It just goes to show, again, how influenced the major media outlets are by leftist claptrap.
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