Under the Dome has a post today regarding spending by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) on North Carolina races. Its post states SEIU spent approximately $410,000 this year on NC elections.
Well, I have a more complete list and the total is actually in excess of $1.5 million. (And I may be missing a few late contributions that came in, too.)
Full list of contributions:
Adams, Alma $2,000
Alliance for NC $250,000
Basnight, Marc $4,000
Berger, Doug $4,000
Blue, Dan $4,000
Bryant, Angela $2,000
Coleman, Linda $4,000
Cotham, Tricia $2,000
Dorsett, Katie $4,000
Farmer-Butterfield, Jean $1,000
Fisher, Susan $500
Garner, Jimmy $4,000
Garrou, Linda $500
Goodwin, Melanie $1,000
Goss, Steve $4,000
Graham, Malcolm $500
Hackney, Joe $4,000
Hall, Larry $500
Harrell, Ty $4,000
Hartsell, Fletcher $1,500
Holliman, Hugh $500
Kinnaird, Ellie $500
Lucas, Marvin $1,000
NCDP $4,000
NCDP $250,000
NCDP $250,000
NCDP $600,000
Nesbitt, Martin $4,000
Parmon, Erlene $1,000
Pierce, Garland $1,000
Randleman, Shirley $4,000
Sandy, Sidney $33,165
Sandy, Sidney $7,345
Sandy, Sidney $4,000
Snow, John $4,000
Spaulding Hughes, Sandra $500
Stone, Chuck $4,000
Stone, Chuck $77,687
Stone, Chuck $22,877
Wainwright, William $4,000
Warren, Edith $4,000
Weiss, Jennifer $500
Williams, Arthur $500
Wray, Michael $500
Younge, Doug $2,000
Total: $1,578,074
(Updated to reflect error on Kinnaird.)
Ellie Kinnaird only received $500 from SEIU, not $5,000.
Also, you don’t make any distinction between contributions and independent expenditures.
Point taken about the NCDP money. Will update.