Seems to be a lot of discussion today (Dome 1, 2, 3, 4 and G'boro N&R) on Elon's poll results on the marriage amendment. A lot of the discussion centers on the varying poll results between Elon's poll and ours. I would argue there are differences in the wordings of the questions that do not make the questions the same. We polled what would be asked according to legislation on a referendum on the subject. Elon did not. Slight differences, but they matter.
If you read the text of H 361, the referendum that would be placed before the voters states:
"[ ] FOR [ ] AGAINST
Constitutional Amendment to provide that marriage between a man and a woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state."
Our poll question asked: Do you support or oppose a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman?
Elon asked: Do you support or oppose a Constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage?
Elon polled a question that is not at all what is stated in the referendum. It's a difference of semantics, but one that could yield differing results.
Elon’s question was “Would you support or oppose an amendment to the North Carolina constitution that would prevent any same sex marriages?”
Seems that the question posed in both polls should have been:
“Do you support or oppose a (NC) Constitutional amendment that provides that marriage between a man and a woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in the state (of NC)?”