The craftily named "Healthy Youth Act" HB88 hit a speed bump in the NC Senate's Mental Health and Youth Services Committee on Wednesday. This yet another attempt by the left to add so-called "comprehensive" sex education to the current abstinence based curriculum taught in North Carolina's schools.
Despite having a stacked committee of supporters in the meeting and a motion for a favorable report from Senator Charlie Dannelly (D-Mecklenburg), no vote was held in the committee.
Something is going on here. This bill was pushed through the House last month and appeared to be headed for passage in the Senate. Once the bill hit the Senate, unusual things began to happen to the legislative process.
Try to stay with me here: First, it was sent to the Health Committee, then withdrawn and sent to the Mental Health and Youth Services Committee where it received a favorable report and was sent to the floor of the Senate for final approval. It was then bumped from the floor calendar and sent back to the Mental Health and Youth Services Committee and then withdrawn and sent back to the floor. It was then withdrawn again from the calendar and resent again to the Mental Health and Youth Services Committee where the vote was delayed yesterday.
With only two Conservatives (Sen. Jim Forrester (R-Gaston) and Sen. Jim Jacumin (R-Caldwell)) openly opposing the bill in committee, passage would appear likely. Could Senate Rules Chairman Tony Rand (D-Cumberland) be holding the bill hostage? If so, why?
Another observation from the committee was the number of leftist organizations pushing for the bill's passage: ACLU, Planned Parenthood, National Organization for Women (NOW), NC Action for the Children, NCAE and Equality NC (aka the homosexual lobby). Know a bill by its friends.
The bill gives parents the choice of what kind of sex ed their children get at school, comprehensive, abstinence only, or none.
That doesn’t seem like such a leftist idea.
Why are you against letting parents decide what kind of sex education their children receive?