Thanks to Mark Binker over at Capitol Beat we get to see what some legislators really think when they propose legislation. Rep. Susan Fisher (D – Buncombe) let slip the following, “It will allow schools to teach what I think needs to be taught”(emphasis added). You can listen to part of her interview here. She also is happy that the requirement for a public hearing has been dropped. It is much cleaner when you can keep citizens out of the process and leave everything to people who know better.
By pulling the curtain back a little we see that some legislators legislate based on what "they think" is best for people and their families. This kind of thinking does not allow for individuals to decide what "they think" is best for them and their families.
I am still lost about this. Why is it a bad idea for parents to be able to choose what kind of sex education their children get at school, abstinence only, comprehensive, or none at all?
That’s what the bill that passed the House allowed. Do you guys believe that parents should not be able to decide what the schools teach their own kids about sex?
The point of the post is that she wants schools to teach what she “…thinks needs to be taught.”
The current law has a method for advocates of her curriculum to get it adopted. She does not like that there are people who disagree with her and can use the process to oppose what she “…thinks needs to be taught.”