Nearly every day brings a new story that indicates Obamacare will be a horror show.
Liberals whined when the legislature and the governor refused to expand Medicaid and set up health exchanges as demanded by the health care takeover, the hilariously misnamed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (See Senate Bill 4, No N.C. Exchange/No Medicaid Expansion.) But the program is already failing.
Here’s the latest scoop, “Uh-Oh! Building ObamaCare’s Health Exchanges Has Already Cost Double the Expected Amount” from “The Department of Health and Human Services admitted yesterday that setting up the law has cost twice as much as expected so far.”
This doesn’t even mean the project is going well: “A big chunk of the grant money doled out so far went to California. ….[Nevertheless, the] state’s insurance regulators have warned that residents should expect ‘rate and market disruption’ when the state’s health insurance exchange opens.”
Obamacare isn’t full implemented, but some of the programs have already closed their doors to new patients because of cost overruns, for one example. And — big surprise — setting up a system to handle all the health needs of 300 million people isn’t easy.
More details will be in the April Civitas Capitol Connection, which will be going out soon. And just keep an eye on your usual news sources: there’s little doubt there will be many more news stories about Obamacare’s many flaws.
Repeal then study the long term effects and costs.