Remember Skybus? The low-cost airline that was supposed to fly out of Greensboro's PTI airport supposedly lured to NC with million in incentives that ultimately failed miserably?
Well, it looks like the ex-CEO of Skybus is targeting a return to PTI with a new low-cost airline called JetAmerica.
No word yet on if an emergency meeting has been called at the NC Department of Commerce to again pour money down the drain.
with the same people back in the federal government who gave us New Market Venture Capital and Credit and Tax programs with the passage of HR5660, HR5662 HR5663 HR 5667 in Dec 2000, they are already passing new programs in Treasury like TALF, etc. As long as the programs in Treasury like Community Development Fund Incentive,CDFI, and New Market TAx Credit,NMTC and the section 108 Loan Guarantee programs for economic development programs are leveraged with state and private funds our state budget will swell under the “COP”. What type of loan did the have prior? This is the big problem I see to try to hunt down. Because alot of these Community Development Block Grant and small Business initiatives were given not out of commerce but HHS the last 9 years and accountablity has been lacking to say the least.