There is an interesting story in today's Wall Street Journal about how members of Congress have been slow to put their official expenses online to aid the public in viewing the data. Coming on the heels of the British expense scandal and calls for more openess and transparency here in North Carolina by Governor Perdue, this story points out the nature of the problem.
Does Congress report the expenses for their staff and offices? The answers is yes, kind of. If you would like to review bound volumes from the Government Printing Office in the basement rooms on Capitol Hill or order them by mail, then yes, the reports are available to the public. Unfortunately, its like trying to drink water from a fire hose. The data is hard to decipher, there's a lot of it and you can't search it quickly. In this day of the database, you have to wonder if Congress is slow to modernize or just dragging their feet.
Citizens should be able to review simple details about their elected officials' conduct, easily and without considerable expense. Wouldn't you like to know, for example, what kind of car your congressman is leasing right now?
While Congress continues to hound CEO's about their perks and expenses, the public needs to keep an ever watchful eye on all of their lawmakers. Seachable databases are away to do just that.
it is time for people to let Senator Burr know to add his name to sponsor this bill.Here is what is happening on this bill from the sunlight foundation
This step in the process is to call Senator Burr’s office number is 202-224-3154
Here is the web site called pass #482
It has to do with the house and everyother campaign has their campaign forms done electronically while the senate side still is in the dark ages. Well senate bill #482 would change that.
I also have my own blog called triadwatch which had this post on this issue.with a title N.C. Senator Burr Time To Support Campaign Disclosure Parity Act.
Enjoy Red Clay and would love to be on your blogroll