House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg) says the important bills made it through crossover and are still alive. He calls the Voter ID bill the most important. It would require photo ID’s for voters. It was tenatively approved Wednesday night but faces a long debate before the final vote.
Speaker Tillis says, in the meantime, Governor Beverly Perdue needs to make a decision now about what she will do with the budget. He says if she is going to veto it she needs to do that right away so lawmakers don’t have to wait around. Tillis says he still thinks the five Democrats that voted for the budget would vote to override a veto.
The Speaker told a press conference he was confused why education leaders are still complaining about the legislative budget and claiming they would have to make huge cuts in their budgets:
The Senate has extended its crossover deadline to Sunday just to be cautious but Speaker Tillis is sill hopeful they can wrap up the session by June 17th.
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