Did anyone else notice the beautiful juxtaposition on the News and Observer's website this morning?
If not, check it out here.
It almost seems that the News and Observer is trying to tell us something. Maybe, just maybe, the government is very good at wasting money and very poor at allocating resources. It's a stretch, I know. The main headline is "The new plan: more taxes for all." and shows a picture of an elderly couple in a Target department store. Scroll down a little to the third story and you'll see this: "Report finds bloat at UNC". Wait wait wait… More taxes for all… UNC-CH is wasting money… how odd…
The report in the N&O states that upwards of $18 million could be saved at UNC Chapel Hill alone. Imagine how much could be saved statewide at all of the public universities. I urge you to read this article and decide for yourself if raising taxes is the best way to fix the budget.
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