Here’s a great example of how the left spins an issue:
"The citizen lobbyists also encouraged lawmakers to end discrimination against people with mental illness and addictions by passing parity legislation."
Now, if you actually look at this policy, its only discriminatory in the most trivial sense — i.e. the sense that any product or service is discriminatory. That is, Burger King doesn’t sell steaks. AutoZone doesn’t sell groceries. Davey Tree does give massages. The law some N.C. legislators and liberals want discriminates against many more people. That is, in order for you to buy health insurance in N.C. you are forced to buy a policy with mental health coverage. And the monopoly insurance interests are forced to provide it. In a time when this same group of leftish activists are (justifiably) shedding crocodile tears about the uninsured and access to healthcare, they are simultaneously driving up premiums for everyone. Such twisted logic is couched in language like "discrimination" because there is a concerted effort to make healthcare a "civil rights issue." Down is up. Up is down. Left advocates will use language games and obfuscation to further their agenda. N.C. Policy Watch is clearly singing from the liberal hymnal on such matters. But don’t be fooled: all of this is a means to destroy healthcare markets and usher in an age of socialized medicine.
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