After seven years in the State House of Representatives Rep. Dale Folwell (R-Forsyth) won’t run for re-election next year. As Folwell said, he “cut his teeth” when the Republican Party was in the minority. He rose to House Speaker Pro Tem when the GOP gained the majority. At a press conferene wouldn’t say if he was stepping down to run for a statewide office.
Folwell considered running for State Treasurer at one time. During his time in the General Assembly Folwell ushered through legislation on school bus safety, Ethan’s Law, Run and You’re Done and a change in the age cutoff for Kindergarten. His priority issue was the unfunded liability of the retirement system. While Folwell was part of revamping the system he said there is still a large liability facing the state that could eventually cost $4 billion a year.
Really hate to see him go! He has done such an outstanding job. We need more intelligent/honest people like him in public office. Hope he changes his mind!