The Wall Street Journal reports that in the span of a month popular support for the President’s health care plan has declined significantly. Down from an evenly divided split, a national poll conducted July 24-27 found 42% of respondents thought the plan was a bad idea, while only 36% had a positive outlook on the plan. Negative perception grew even more among the insured population – shifting from 37% in June to 47% in July.
The main concerns: a rising budget deficit, no clear proposal detailing how plan will be paid for, and more importantly the growing uncertainty over government’s role in medical decision-making.
In a town hall meeting yesterday in Raleigh, President Obama was asked why there was such a rush to pass the health care legislation. His response:
“The longer it takes the more the special interests can start getting in there and try to knock it down.”
However, is it the political opposition that he is afraid of, or is it the will of the American people?
I agree with you. When improvements are needed, pepls take careful consideration, time and energy. When the opposite is sought after, changes are done hastily. Mr Obama and ms Pelosi are the great equilizers of society who want to give the same mediocre plan to this generation of Americans