… was exemplified in these words by Senator Marc Basnight, quoted in the Insider:
"We took a big step in building a knowledge-based economy," said Basnight, D-Dare, adding that a vote of the people wasn’t a must because the projects are so important. (Emphasis added.)
I know it looks like we’re picking on Basnight, but he is one of the most powerful members of the General Assembly and he should take it on the chin. (Please, no horseheads in my bed.)
Seriously, though, what sort of arrogance and elitist thinking goes into a claim that: billions in debt should bypass a referrendum of the people, that he and his technocrat cronies know how to build a "knowledge economy", much less, that he knows the first thing about the money he’s spending, where it’s going, and its effects on the economy? I don’t know what should sicken taxpayers more, the "we know better than you" mien, or all the debt set at the feet of our children (sure to cancel whatever positive effects may rise out of their subsidized education). -MB
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