There was a public hearing today regarding HB2688 – an act that would establish the "Access to Health Care Policy Council." The stated goal of this Council would be "providing access to appropriate and affordable health care on a regular basis to all North Carolinians." Translation: let’s form a council to drive the effort toward socialized health care in North Carolina.
This bill is the baby of Rep. Verla Insko (D-Orange) who is an unabashed fan of socialized health care, as evidenced by her sponsorship of this bill that would add a "Constitutional amendment providing that health care is a fundamental right" (subject to voter approval).
First to speak was Eugene Barufkin from the group Health Care for All NC. Mr. Barufkin claimed in his statements that he essentially co-wrote the legislation. Let there be no doubt about the intentions behind the creation of this Council, check out the mission of Health Care for All NC.
"Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity, and there is an obligation for the State to ensure that every resident is able to realize this fundamental right." (emphasis added)
In fact, much of the wording for HB2688 is taken directly from Insko’s "health care for all" bill, and the Health Care For All NC’s website.
During the meeting, roughly 20 or so speakers were alloted 2 minutes each to speak their mind about the bill. With about 3 exceptions, the public testimony devolved into a parade of special interests and advocacy groups begging for the implementation of a government takeover of our health care system.
Two notable exceptions to this "Marxists and rent-seekers on parade" spectacle were our friend Joe Coletti of the John Locke Foundation and our own Max Borders. Joe spoke about the dangerous assumptions implicit in the creation of such a council – specifically the fatal conceit that a group of 31 can decide for 9 million North Carolinians just what qualifies as "appropriate and affordable" health care for their families better than the people themselves.
Max warned against the lack of intellectual diversity that would be on the Council. The selection process outlined in the bill would allow for the council to be stacked with like-minded lefties hell bent on government control of your health care decisions. In a more-than likely insincere moment, Representative Insko acknowledged Max’s point at the end of the meeting by claiming they will be careful to include diverse philosophies as they select the Council members.
The reality is that this Council would essentially serve as a crutch to legislators seeking to socialize our health care. Lawmakers will simply be able to deflect criticism by saying "Hey, the Health Care Policy Council recommended this, who are we to argue with these experts!"
The meeting adjourned without a vote, we will be tracking this bill’s progress closely.
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