We seem to have sliced and diced poor Fitzsimon’s arguments on the community college/illegal immigrants issue quite a bit. But here is one more angle I think is important to ponder.
Fitzsimon and his fellow fringe extremists spout in their talking points their concern over "denying educational opportunities" to illegal immigrants. It seems curious to me that they can show concern about educational opportunities in this instance, but they are the first ones to ferociously deny educational opportunities for K-12 children (actual kids, not 30 year-olds) who are on waiting lists for charter schools. Furthermore, the Fitzsimon fringe will scream bloody murder about any plan to allow parents increased educational opportunities for their children through school choice.
So, in short, the tiny band of progressives represented by Fitzsimon and Co. say we should welcome – and subsidize – "educational opportunities" to people who are violating our laws by being here. But for parents who are begging for an alternative "educational opportunity" for their children outside of their government-chosen school system, they vehemently say NO!
The self-contradiction is disturbing.
Spot on!