Let’s count the way leftish activists broke ethical standards on their Immoral Monday.
First, it is immoral to be antidemocratic – to undercut the process by which the will of the people is expressed. Oh, of course the protestors want to add some excitement to their humdrum lives by demonstrating. But these tantrums at least in theory disrupt the real democratic process.
Barriers to voting vanished decades ago. Nothing stands in the way of the protestors getting their way: They merely have to run viable candidates, take part in the election process, debate the issues, convince voters, get elected, then work hard in the legislature and pass better laws.
They don’t do that – because it’s plain that a larger majority of North Carolinians don’t agree with their ideas, or don’t trust them to put them into effect.
Having failed at the ballot box, the left could try to win the debate in the legislature by providing more persuasive arguments. Here too they’ve failed.
Instead of rethinking their approach and redoubling their efforts, they are instead attacking democracy. Here’s what left-wing website BlueNC is saying: “Our Republican-controlled legislature is not a legitimate government. We have no obligation to obey or respect the laws they pass or the actions they take. On the contrary, we have a moral responsibility to resist them at every turn.”
Not that it is bad government – according to the left, it is illegitimate government. This is a frontal assault on democracy, making this tactic profoundly wrong.
There was a fuss about the supposed 1 percent pitted against the 99 percent. Well, right now, the protesters comprise let’s say 0.0001 percent of the NC population, to be generous. But this tiny clique is saying they rule, and that the 99.999 percent don’t matter.
That these efforts are pathetically ineffectual shouldn’t make us complacent about the ethical issues; incompetence is not an excuse for immorality.
Second, today’s leftists want to take money from those who are truly in need. That’s because every dollar they grab for bureaucrats, their allies and their pet projects is a dollar taken away from the people who need it.
Government policies are always a zero-sum game: money must be taken from Jane if it is to be given to John. But it is especially true when years of liberal policies have drained the state’s coffers. Yell and holler to protect the cushy jobs of education bureaucrats, for instance, and you divert money from uses that would really help students. It’s just immoral to protect the salary and perks of the Assistant Superintendent for Paper Clips when there’s a crying need to help students.
That’s also true for other meddlesome policies. Take the anti-fracking campaign. Stop energy exploration, and you keep jobs away from working people who have been hammered by the Long Recession. That’s wrong.
That kind of thing is repeated over and over by the Left.
Leftists preen about their supposed morality. But, sadly, too often they pursue actions that are profoundly immoral.
The above photo is from a May 1 protest march from the NC State campus to the Civitas office to the legislative complex in downtown Raleigh.
Further proof of failed government controlled education.
I’d really like to know how many of those students were even given a chance to read The Constitution and Bill of Rights in classes, let alone discuss them. It’s more likely ‘progressive’ teachers ‘taught them to the test’.
Another sliver of the NWO’s Agenda 21.
Apparently Art Pope’s media lapdogs don’t like it when the little people push back.