The folks over on the left hate our polls, except when they like them. The question that has them in a tizzy is the “slanted” wording in the following question: “Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for those convicted of first-degree murder in North Carolina?” What really has them upset is that 71% of North Carolina voters favor the use of the death penalty.
You can read the results here and the rest of our polling here. Hopefully the new legislature will take action on the death penalty and make sure that justice is carried out for those who have been found guilty and have had their cases reviewed in accordance with existing laws and legal rulings.
The victims and their families deserve no less.
I have a life thank you. But I notice you didn’t address my point.
Why didn’t you ask if people supported the death penalty or life in prison without parole for first degree murder?
Those are the ONLY two options for people convicted of first degree murder. Aren’t you curious about how that would turn out or would you rather only ask a question you are sure will garner the results that you support?