In case you missed yesterday’s John Hood post on NC think tanks, here’s a choice bit:
I’ve just started a new assessment, but my guess is that the proportions will not have changed much in the past couple of years. Oddly, many politicos in Raleigh are under the impression that conservative and free-market groups in North Carolina are more numerous and better-funded than their lefty counterparts, neither of which has ever been true.
So is this mendacity or ignorance on the part of these "politicos"? Either way, the left has some explaining to do about "big political money" — and this extends not just to the realm of thinktanks, but also to political campaigns.
-Max Borders
What?!? – you mean one side of the issue is represented two to one?
Where is the social justice? Where is the equity?
I insist government step in to level the playing field and equally distribute the money to both sides. After all, that would be the “progressive” thing to do!