This chilling NRO article exposes the unspoken dark side of government's takeover of health care: the inevitable dehumanization of individuals.
Seems that some of Obama's closest health care advisers advocate for your "duty to die."
treat the patient as an individual. Dr. Emanuel prefers that the patient be
treated as an input in an economic equation governing the allocation of medical
resources under political discipline. With government in charge of health care, the objectification
of human lives is inevitable. Governments must make resource-allocation
decisions, which means that they must choose between eyesight-saving treatments
for your grandmother and corrective orthopedic surgery for the kid next door.
Word to
the wise: Short your shares in Grandma, Inc. That’s because Dr. Emanuel has
embraced a technique for simplifying some of the tough calls: age
discrimination. He wrote in The Lancet
in 2008: “Unlike allocation by sex
or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination.” We all were young once, the argument
goes, so denying the elderly and weak in order to care for the young and fit is
Human lives ought never to be treated as mere inputs in an economic equation.
Under a centrally planned system, it is necessary that they be treated so.
Those of us that argue against government-run health care are berated as uncaring, and are told that socialized medicine is some sort of "moral obligation." This article explains why the exact opposite is true.
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