January 21st-27th is National School Choice Week (NSCW).
School choice is based on the premise that all children deserve the opportunity to succeed. School choice empowers parents to access the best educational options for their children.
NSCW celebrates the differing educational options available to children and families – traditional public schools, charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, home schools and online academies — while highlighting the benefits of school choice.
Since 2011, over 58,000 events have been held in support of NSCW in the United States and around the world.
Come celebrate school choice and attend one of the over 1,000 NSCW events planned in North Carolina and thousands more elsewhere!
Months after I pointed it out and Bob still can’t explain why Hedge Fund Managers are so interested in Charter Schools.
Back to Scott again?
You really are confused.
Bill Moyers is his source,that’s all you need to know.Bill is not exactly a Libertarian.Bill is a Socialist,Communist.Take your pick.Every post Scott Jack posts is using a left wing Gimmedat source but he hates the Gimmedats just as much as he does the GOP according to him.His sources show that is not even in the neighborhood of the truth.
Thanks Larry. You proved EXACTLY what NC Civitas does. Someone makes a comment you don’t like (that contains no name calling), and you crash in violently with your radical name-calling, slander, and idiocy. It is the GOP Playbook, and I have EXPOSED you for what you are, an IMMORAL lout.
Keep singing that Democrats did it first. That tactic is a Failure, and the last cry of a sinking ship.
Brian is just a con man. That’s easy to see!
You have never had a post that you didn’t call me names.I just consider the source and smile.
Why does calling you a Communst get you so upset.If you are talking the talk you should walk the walk.
Reagan defeated Communism. Saw it. Lived it. Document it.
If I do get upset, it is because you ‘PIMP’ radical NCGOP militarism/corporatism/economic exploitation and only PIMP it because ‘you did what they did.’
You are a brutish nave.
I am a Libertarian-Socialist / Republican (aka sovereign from the State / care about the community).
ALL Libertarians throughout the world are Socialists. You are an outlier, a bandit, a degradation of humanity and probably the Manager of the Broom Closet @ NC Civitas.
Good riddance