Our friends at Watchdog.org have done a great job of exposing the shoddy recordkeeping and the awarding of stimulus funds to phantom congressional districts in various states. After reading the story, I did a little digging myself and learned some interesting things about stimulus funds in North Carolina. First, did you know North Carolina has more than 13 congressional districts? According to the web site that tracks federal stimulus spending, the 37th, 86th, 24th, 14th 91st and 00 Congressional Districts in North Carolina all received federal stimulus money. Stimulus money to the phantom districts totalled $5,722,231 and also saved 98.3 jobs.
A call to the office that administers stimulus funds in North Carolina, was of no help in understanding why the error occurred. However, I was told, I can “be assured we are working to correct it.”
Don’t you feel better already?
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