This story is just too rich to pass up.
Financial Literacy Council that would coordinate financial education within
public schools and identify programs that reach people outside the public school
Part of their cause of concern is a report that "says about a quarter of North Carolina households do not have
a savings account."
So let me get this straight, the North Carolina General Assembly wants to help children and citizens to become more financially responsible?
You mean the same General Assembly that has:
- Dug itself a $3 billion budget hole for the current fiscal year
- Will be facing General Fund budget holes projected at over $5.6 billion over the next two fiscal years
- More than doubled the state debt in just 7 years
- Collected more than $3 billion in surplus revenue from 2004 to 2008, yet managed to only set aside $787 million in the state's Rainy Day Fund
- Failed so miserably in their oversight of the State Health Plan so that plan is facing more than a billion dollar shortfall over the next two years
- Has failed to set aside any money for $29 billion of unfunded state retiree health benefits
I think my child might be out "sick" on the day government bureaucrats attempt to teach "financial literacy."
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