Transportation: Is Time Really Money? August 25, 2008 by Civitas Staff 2 Comments SHARE: Twitter Facebook Linkedin Email More Would you pay money to save 10-15 minutes on your morning commute from Raleigh to RTP?The Washington, D.C. is asking a similar question… should we be?-Max Borders SHARE: Twitter Facebook Linkedin Email More
Dana says August 25, 2008 at 5:39 PM …and of course the supposition is that adding a rail line through the RTP would actually save time, right?
Max says August 25, 2008 at 5:41 PM No. Rail would never be worth the money it will cost. Rail is failed to start, here. Congestion pricing? Now that’s another story…
…and of course the supposition is that adding a rail line through the RTP would actually save time, right?
No. Rail would never be worth the money it will cost. Rail is failed to start, here.
Congestion pricing? Now that’s another story…