Check out this quote from STAC member Michael Shiflett regarding the proposed fantasy rail plan for the Triangle region.
"It’s all about marketing," committee member Michael Shiflett said.
"Most people are concerned about the environment. Most people are
worried about how much they spend on gasoline, insurance costs. I think
there’s something in mass transit for everyone, whether they believe it
or not."
Aha! So it’s not about viability of the project or whether its cost-benefit analysis is sound, the future of the Triangle’s rail project comes down to those who want it creating the proper marketing plan to convince you (the taxpayer) that it is in your best interest when they know it isn’t.
Sounds eerily familiar to the rhetoric we hear out of Orange County regarding the transfer tax, doesn’t it?
Government planners knowing better than you how your money should be spent, but needing to convince you to vote against your own personal interests (more money in your pocket) for "the greater good."
Next stop, why don’t you just let us take your entire paycheck and do that. We’ll tell you where to live, how to live and what to do. But trust us, we have your best interests in mind.
Be it commuter rail or whatever, it is past time to find something other then one car, one driver as a means of transportation. Gasoline costs will not stop at four dollars a gallon this summer.
The hour long drive or better to get to work will soon get too expensive for average folk.
Be it commuter rail or whatever, it is past time to find something other then one car, one driver as a means of transportation. Gasoline costs will not stop at four dollars a gallon this summer.
The hour long drive or better to get to work will soon get too expensive for average folk.