Maybe SEANC Executive Director Dana Cope should turn his anger toward UNC-Chapel Hill. Last week Triangle Business Journal (subscription required) reported on an American Association of University Professors (AAUP) salary study that said full professors at UNC-Chapel Hill are paid $142,700 annually. That’s third highest among the top 25 public universities. The findings conflict with repeated statements from UNC-CH officials that assert — when compared to peer institutions — UNC-CH faculty are underpaid.
On a more interesting note, the TBJ article continues:
UNC’s pay growth over the past five years has outpaced that of Duke and North Carolina State University. Pay for full professors at Duke has grown by 22.9 percent, to $161,200, making it the 12th highest paying university in the nation, while pay at NCSU has grown by 20.6 pecent, to $114,300 – a bit below the national average. North Carolina Central University boosted it pay by 27.3 percent, to $100,400 during that period.
Looks like they’re some state employees who have been doing pretty well.
UNC fat cats should give their money away NOW!