Having been promised that so-called temporary taxes would expire many, many times before and then seeing them extended, voters are now much more skeptical of that promise.
Gov. Perdue included an emergency temporary 1-cent sales tax increase in her $1.6 billion tax proposal a couple of weeks ago, and House and Senate negotiators hadn’t settled on whether the 1-cent sales tax increase in the now ill-fated tax plan would have been temporary or permanent.
If the polling is any indication, they shouldn’t even bother trying to curry favor with the voters by making the claim. 77 percent of voters think that a temporary 1-cent sales tax increase will in fact be made permanent. Only 13% of voters actually buy the temporary tag and think it would be allowed to expire.
The 1-cent tax increase isn’t very popular itself with 66 percent of voters opposed to it. 30% support raising the sales tax.
The full release and all the wonderful details and crosstabs are here.
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