I’ve shared my dislike for the Wake County School Assignment Plan and the so-called benefits of “economic diversity.” One of the worst components of the program is a requirement that subjects parents to an annual application process to determine where children will attend school. As you might expect, the waiting can be agonizing on both kids — and parents. It’s hard to overestimate the impact of such decisions. Hour-long bus rides and schools so far away that parental involement is limited are some of the reasons for growing opposition to the Wake County School Assignment Plan.
That said, earlier this week I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Wake County school administrators are working on a plan that will allow parents to know by the end of October where their children will be attending school for the next three years. Yes, I’m still in favor of scrapping the entire plan and giving parents the power to decide the school their child attends. However if you have to work within the School Assignment Plan, I give administrators credit for heeding the concerns of parents and children. The plan can give families a much-needed dose of stability. In the end, it will be the better decision for students, parents and the schools.
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