During the successful bribing announcement today by Governor Easley that they FINALLY have a major non-state agency tenant at the Global TransPark, Easley said the Spirit agreement “silenced” critics of the TransPark.
Silenced? HA!
We’re just getting started, my friend.
You’ve only had to spend $80 million over the past 17 years and now $125 million in cash to bribe a company to locate there. Congratulations.
Silenced? Hell, you’ve just given us more fodder and a louder megaphone to bash this ridiculous game of incentives. And all you’ve done is point out what a failure the GTP has been. Unfortunately it’s cost us taxpayers over $100 million already.
Now Chris, don’t you know that silence is golden. The gov has thrown us a bone here and we are mighty happy. All of us local folk had forgotten we even had that airport out there. Don’t forget the old saying, “You’ve got to spend $125 million to make a dime.” And we are getting a chicken plant too! With all this success we hope to get a Hooters. And maybe a Starbucks. Keep it down up there!