A week ago, Francis noted on this blog that H 120 was being delayed because House leadership was afraid they didn't have the necessary votes to pass the bill.
H 120 would allow for local governments to authorize a system of taxpayer-financed political campaigns.I've written about how this system never produces the promised results, and chips away at taxpayers' right of free expression.
Well, the House continues to delay a vote on the bill. Check this link to see the bill status, and look under "chamber status" – note how the vote has been "postponed" four times in the last eight days.
Why would the vote on a bill keep getting postponed time and again?
Basically, the sponsors of the bill keep delaying a vote on it until they can twist enough arms…err I mean "compromise" with enough House members to gain the votes needed for the bill to pass. Another aspect to this approach is to continue to postpone the vote hoping there will soon be a day when enough House members who oppose the bill are not present to vote (i.e. out sick, out of town),enabling the bill to pass.
What a joke.
The process for this bill provides an example of how your state government works. If your bill doesn't have enough support, use dirty parlor tricks or backroom deals to push it through anyway.
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