Senator Rand must have something on the former Governor, else why did Gov. Easley continue to give so generously to the Rand family?
Not only did Gov. Easley let Rand's buddy run DOT, but after Rand's son Ripley was defeated in 2006 for his election to district court judge, Gov. Easley appointed Ripley to a roving state Superior Court judgeship.
Then in one of his last acts as Governor on late Friday/early Saturday, Easley appointed Ripley's wife to a similar position as her husband.
So what does Sen. Rand have on Easley? Must be something big to give him carte blanche controls of DOT and two judgeships for his children.
You’re so cynical Chris. These people are well-trained servants of the public’s interests; of course the democratic process could not be trusted to adequately evaluate the merits of the Rand family and patronage is difficult to explain to the people. There is no better way to address these problems than the E’s midnight appointments.
Half of Easley’s brain? No, make it 7/8 of his brain.
Does anyone know if any watch groups have looked into this crap? The Rand’s certainly are all over the map aren’t they?
Good question. HAS anyone looked into the Rand family. If there is a watch group please post!!