After touting Hillary Clinton’s healthcare platform for weeks, the Kaiser Foundation reported today that Judicial Watch is having to sue the National Archives in order to obtain records regarding HillaryCare 1.0. In trying to reach out to mainstream voters, Hillary is tacitly admitting that her first stab at universal healthcare was over the top. But if she has really changed, why not release the records? Reports Kaiser:
Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit against the National Archives to obtain records on the White House task force on health care led by then-first lady Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), the group announced on Monday, the AP/Denver Post reports. According to the AP/Post, the lawsuit comes as “Clinton is facing increased criticism from her Democratic presidential rivals over the number of White House documents from her husband’s administration that have not been made public.” Judicial Watch, which last year filed a Freedom of Information Act Request for the records, said that the National Archives, which reviews requests for records from former presidents, has failed to provide any of the records or indicate when the group could have access to them. The records include 78 million pages of documents and 20 million e-mails held at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark. The National Archives declined to comment on the lawsuit (AP/Denver Post, 11/6).
Of course, it is possible that Hillary is not leaning on the National Archives and has nothing to do with the non-release of the records. After all, responding to a request for 78 million pages is no small feat. In any case, the sad thing is that with Hillary we will never know. No one expects her to fight fair — not even her Democrat rivals.
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