This story from the Detroit News documents just how busy government busybodies can be: (be sure to check out the list of “government advice” on the right-hand column)
In a fast-paced world, life can sometimes be daunting. Fortunately, the state of Michigan has online advice for almost every aspect of life, from shopping to gardening, eating to driving. Sure, some of it may be painfully obvious, nitpicky or bizarre, but just remember: The state knows what’s best for you.
For instance, state government is concerned about your health. It offers shrewd advice on meal choices: Don’t eat the guts, heads or bones of fish (according to the Michigan Family Fish Consumption Guide). If you are trying to reduce your sugar intake, consume less sugar, the Department of Community Health urges
Prevent the spread of germs by washing your hands and coughing safely — there’s even an instructional video on how to correctly cough into your sleeves (see the “Stay Healthy This Flu Season!” tips).
Have you spilled mercury on your pet? Wash the unfortunate creature with shampoo containing selenium sulfide.
The list of “free advice” from the state government is unreal. That taxpayer dollars were used to subsidize state employees to itemize all of this advice is pathetic, and the fact that bureaucrats feel its their place to dispense such motherly advice is chilling. I’m sure a little bit of research would reveal similar types of advice coming from North Carolina state government. Kind of puts to rest the progressives argument that government is just not involved in enough aspects of our lives.
(HT: Max Borders)
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