Not government.
Government can not "fix" an economy – they can only break it. The only government action that can help matters is shrinking government's role and intrusion into the market. That's the prevailing theme of this article by Sheldon Richman.
An economy is people pursuing their preferences by engaging in endless varieties of exchanges with others while coordinating disparate plans founded on unspoken expectations. It’s an amazingly orderly process — when it is allowed to operate in peace and without government intervention.
Unfortunately, governments rarely let it operate in peace. Government planning is power, and with only a few exceptions, most people attracted to top government jobs want to wield power. While they are incapable of fixing an economy — if that means restoring it to its consumer-serving function — they are capable of skewing it to their own purposes.
The massive power grab we are seeing now in DC will likely only get worse, and as government power over our economic affairs grows, our liberty recedes.
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Government will NEVER fix any problems; to do so would mean the end of the programs that keep them in office!