Public Policy Polling has President Barack Obama with an approval rating of 52%. Civitas just got results from our latest polling and we have him with a higher approval rating. In January we had him with a 60% approval rating. This month he is up but you will have to wait until next week to see the numbers… In the meantime watch here for releases on some of the results…
People are going to start to wake up. I bet that more than 50% of the average person on the street doesn’t even know what the meaning of Socialism is. Wait till it starts. His name will be mud when people start to see, understand and experience the “new ideas” for America. It has never worked in the past anywhere in the world. If this trend continues, America, home of the brave, land of plenty and opportunity (for those who are willing to do what it takes, WORK AND SACRIFICE) will be a thing of the past sadly. Our fore fathers that wrote the constitution did not envision a socialistic state when they wrote the constitution.
I think 52% is more likely the case. Most voters are pretty dumb, but they’re not stupid.