Reports are beginning to trickle out about an incident that occurred on November 20th near the Beaufort County town of Chocowinity. According to news accounts and the local District Attorney, Seth Edwards, two agents of the U.S. Secret Service were conducting an investigation in the yard of Mrs. Louise Chandler, 78.
What happens when two strangers go poking around an eastern North Carolina widow woman's premises?
That's right, her son comes to defend his momma, firearm in hand. Mrs. Chandler was also armed and ready. The whole thing got sorted out but left a bad taste amongst Beaufort County citizens.
The Secret Service must not have known much about Mrs. Chandler. Turns out, Mrs. Chandler has her own connections to law enforcement. Her son-in-law is Beaufort County Sheriff Alan Jordan.
Confidential sources have told the Beaufort Observer that the investigation may center around a written threat against Barack Obama.
I am sure there is more to come on this.
The headline says everything, Jeff.