As the NC House meets tonight (Friday) and stays over until after midnight to pass higher taxes in the middle of the night on the citizens of the Old North State, it has to be asked why the rush?
Looking back over this session, the House has not exactly burned the candle at both ends. If you subtract the run-up to the madness known as "crossover" the pace has not exactly been frenetic. The house has considered an average of 4 bills a day, taken around 8 votes a day and passed less than 4 bills a day.
Now when the most important bill of the session is being debated they cram it and $1.8 billion of tax increases into less than 36 hours. Could it be they don't want people to know what they are doing?
You have to ask? What could be more obvious? This is the way the vest Oligarchy operates, invisible but in plain sight.
If the Leadership were proud of itself, would they miss the opportunity to beat their chests and sound the trumpet?
Maybe 50 people outside the Beltline, if that, will note that the legislature is in session. And if reported, by the AP, surely some other mischief on the other side of the World will consign it to become yesterday’s news, or it will be to glaze the eye into thinking Industry is underway, diligence or hard work.
They could perform a human sacrifice and Rand would call it a memorial resolution.