I’d offer one correction to WRAL.com’s informative article on superintendent salaries and perks in North Carolina.The author said superintendents were some of the highest paid public school employees in North Carolina. That’s incorrect. Superintendent’s ARE — without a doubt — the highest paid public school employees in the state.
School districts hire superintendents to administer a school district. It’s a big job. In most cases, the job lasts about three years. That’s about the time it takes to wear out your welcome or for burnout to set in.. To lure attractive candidates school district’s use a lot of perks. Some common and some not so common. Review a few here.
What strikes me is about the contracts is the lack of performance clauses. If the job is to ensure students are educated in an efficient and effective way, you’d think pay would be linked to student and staff outcomes. I guess it says a lot about the dynamics at the local school board level.
Lately there has been a lot of talk about teacher salaries and how to find the money to give pay raises to teachers. On average a superintendent makes about three and a half times what an average teacher makes. Somehow superintendent salaries have managed to stay off the table. Maybe it’s time to take a closer look.
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