About this event:
Tearing Down Barriers to Freedom: CLC 2018
Thirty years ago, Ronald Reagan made the powerful call: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”.
He was calling for an end to the barriers that kept citizens trapped in communist tyranny. And it worked. Soon the Berlin wall fell and the world rejoiced.
Today, the barriers we fight are ones envisioned by the Left and erected by government that squelch innovation, limit opportunity, and prevent true flourishing.
The mission of the Civitas Institute is to Fight to eliminate barriers to freedom so North Carolinians can live a better life.
We believe North Carolina can and should lead the nation to a future of unfettered opportunity without political favoritism.
The 2018 CLC will identify the biggest obstacles to freedom for North Carolinians and equip attendees with the knowledge and training to do their part to eliminate them.
Learn more at www.civitasclc.com
Is there any discount for Seniors to the June16-17 Seminar?