Since the 2011 legislative session began, Civitas has lead the way to get responsible Voter photo ID legislation passed. Read below for a listing of our work.
The General assembly ratified House Bill 351 requiring a valid photo ID in-order to Vote. One week later, the elitist Governor; Beverly Perdue issued her 8th veto killing the bill.
Voter Photo ID has 84% support of all North Carolinians. This is a commonsense solution to voter fraud in North Carolina.
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Photo Voter ID articles below:
Voter Photo ID Protect against voter fraud
Civitas-poll-voters-continue-demand-requiring-photo-id-vote Poll Press Release January 10,2011
Left Misleading Voters – Setting the Record Straight on Voter ID- Lincoln Tribune
North Carolina Susceptible to Voter Fraud – Ballot Security Necessary – Lincoln Tribune
Identify the Facts on the Proposed Voting Requirement – Fayetteville Observer
Republicans back down on voter photo id