For those who think Sarah Palin has had her 15 minutes of fame the bad news in the form of the advance sales of her soon to be released book "Going Rogue" (love that title) May put ... Keep Reading
Civitas vs. Secularism
Jed Babbin of Human Events has a really interesting review of a book by Dr. Herb London. London is president of the Hudson Institute and clearly states in America’s Secular ... Keep Reading
Holiday Gifts for Smart Lefties
Government's End - Jonathan RauchA stunning distillation of public choice -- or why government expansion and special interests go hand in hand.Fatal Conceit - F.A. Von HayekA must ... Keep Reading
This Perfect Day
Professor Boudreaux on the late Ira Levin:"Rosemary's Baby" and "The Boys from Brazil" are indeed the two most popular novels written by the late Ira Levin ... Keep Reading
McCarthy’s Day
Buried beneath the news of 30+ dead in Blacksburg, we learn that Cormac McCarthy has won the Pulitzer prize for his work of fiction, The Road. Fitting, somehow, for this strange ... Keep Reading
Remembering Vonnegut
In honor of Kurt Vonnegut, progressives so fond of egalitarian principles should read this short story. (Hat tip Don Boudreaux of Cafe Hayek). Inequality never felt so good. ... Keep Reading