One question confronting North Carolina’s criminal justice system more and more is: What should we do for a 16-or-17-year-old who genuinely makes a mistake, learned a lesson and ... Keep Reading
Juvenile Justice
Juvenile Justice and Adult Correction Combining Will Benefit the Entire Division
The Juvenile Justice and Adult Correction merger was announced Tuesday and described as part of the consolidation of related state agencies that has been underway since 2011, and ... Keep Reading
HB 725 – We Already Give Juveniles a Second Chance — Maybe even a Third
HB 725 “Young Offenders Rehabilitation Act” has been heard in a House committee meeting. HB 725 would “raise the age” from 16 to 18 for someone to be tried as an adult if he or ... Keep Reading
House Bill 725: Weak on Answers
House Bill 725, the Young Offenders Rehabilitation Act, cleared a hurdle in the North Carolina House of Representatives yesterday, passing the Judiciary Subcommittee A. It is now ... Keep Reading