A new article posted at Civitas discusses a House bill that could lower your local phone bill.A sample: A bill recently introduced in the North Carolina House would help ease ... Keep Reading
Charlotte Observer’s Water Heads
Here's the Charlotte Observer on their water woes (since dried up): First things first. It's encouraging news that drought conditions have improved enough in the Catawba River ... Keep Reading
Getting Government out of Water
Great piece by a former EPA administrator on why the government shouldn't be in the water business and businesses should.-Max Borders ... Keep Reading
Climate Change? Ah, Water Markets
Read Jonathan Adler's paper on water marketing as an adaptive tool for changes in climates like, oh, I don't know, droughts?-Max Borders ... Keep Reading
Common Sense Rains on Raleigh
After weathering restrictions, radical conservation proposals and other nonsense, Raleigh adopts a sensible water policy. Not perfect, but it'll probably work: The Raleigh City ... Keep Reading
Dome: Dry Idea Number 5?
Maybe I missed Dome's post on how water pricing will help cure us of overconsumption. But interestingly, while Ryan Teague Beckwith touts Seattle as a city of H2O transparency ... Keep Reading
Cess Pool of Ideas
Town planners are central planners. The ideas just keep getting stupider (and more intrusive).-Max Borders ... Keep Reading
Dear Water Nazis and “Conservationists”…
...I'd like for "officials" and the editorialists over at the N&O to think back, back, back to a time when you were in highschool and they made you take economics. It ... Keep Reading
Tiered Water Rates in Raleigh? Hallelujah
Sometimes you holler till you're blue in the face. Then, every once in a while, someone listens. OK, so it's not a "unique idea." (HT: Hayes) But:According to UNC-Chapel ... Keep Reading