The nice folks here at Red Clay want you to know that we are looking out for you. The fact that $787 billion of your money is being spent by 537 people who have probably ... Keep Reading
NC Tax Hike Already Costing Money
Even though the proposed tax hikes in the House version of the budget have yet to take effect, the mere mention of it has already caused North Carolina citizens to lose ... Keep Reading
If you really want to understand viral…
Brian posted a clip of Daniel Hannan giving a speech in the European Parliament. Mr. Hannan in a blog post explains how "My speech to Gordon Brown goes viral". If ... Keep Reading
Welcome to the Metaverse
I've always told my friends: "you can't just read about Open Croquet, you have to see it demonstrated."Now you can. If you want to read why Second Life Won't Get a ... Keep Reading
Free Muni WiFi – Whither Government?
A company wants to blanket San Francisco in free WiFi -- for FREE. If the private sector is thinking of doing this, why is anyone considering letting government do this, much less ... Keep Reading
Bizarre Virtual Politics
Just when you thought things couldn't get any weirder for '08, the world of immersive activism heats up. -Max Borders ... Keep Reading
Climate Change: Technology or Regulation?
If (and that's a big if) man is causing global warming... and if such warming would actually result in negative or catastrophic consequences, should we allow for technological ... Keep Reading
Gub’ment Bitness: Oxy Moronic
Here's another reason why government shouldn't be in the business of, well, anything. Government's don't have profit motives, which is why municiple wifi may sound great at the ... Keep Reading
Technology Paradox for Conservatives and Liberals
John Edwards is way ahead of the Internet game, according to Rob Christensen. Have the conservatives not learned anything from and the Deaniacs? The irony in all ... Keep Reading