About this event:
As Medicaid expansion continues to be one of the top priorities for Democrats in the 2019 legislative session, it’s imperative that North Carolinians know the facts and implications of expanding Medicaid in our state.
Join the Civitas Institute for a panel discussion on Medicaid Expansion in our state, and why it’s bad policy for North Carolina. We’ll address questions such as: Does expanding Medicaid coverage mean expanded access? Who will bear the cost? What are the alternatives to Medicaid expansion? And more!
Panelists include:
Nicholas Horton from The Foundation for Government Accountability
Michael Cannon from the Cato Institute
State Senator Ralph Hise, former Co-Chair Senate Health Care Committee
Free with RSVP. This event will be held in the Environmental Conference Center on the 4th floor, and a greeter will be at the main door to direct attendees. Coffee and light refreshments will be available.