About this event:
A recent lawsuit, lauded by teachers unions and anti-school choice groups, was recently filed in state court. This suit goes after North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship Program, a program designed to help children in low-income families access education options that best suit their needs.
The shameful antics of the NCAE, NEA, and others could deprive some of our state’s financially strapped families from the schools their children have found hope and promise in.
Join our panel of experts at noon on Wednesday, August 19th, for a deep dive into what is really behind this contemptible lawsuit.
Bob Luebke is director of policy at Civitas Institute.
Jeanette Doran is President and General Counsel of the North Carolina Institute for Constitutional Law.
Corey DeAngelis is the director of school choice at Reason Foundation. He is also an adjunct scholar at Cato Institute.